5 Tips on Packing Your Garage in NJ
When it comes to difficult places to pack, the garage is definitely up there with the kitchen. For many, the garage doubles as a storage unit not just for your cars, but for everything else you don’t want to have in your house like power tools, seasonal decorations, paint cans, appliances, and random items that you have accumulated over the years. Organizing and packing might feel a bit overwhelming, but with a bit of planning it doesn’t have to be.
Treat the garage like every other room in your house. The first order of business is to go through everything and figure out what you can get rid of and what you want to keep. There are multiple methods of decluttering, but the easiest is to ask yourself how often you have used a particular item in the past year or two. If you haven’t used it at all, you probably won’t use it in the future.
You can separate your remove pile even further by separating them into the donate and trash pile. If you start far enough in advance, you can try to sell some of the items in your donation pile to add a bit of a cushion to your moving budget. Depending on the brand and quality of your belongings, you could make quite a bit from selling them but don’t expect to recoup the original retail price you paid. Price everything as low as you are comfortable as the main point of things like garage or yard sales is to get rid of the excess not make money. There will always be leftovers so bundle those up and donate the remaining pieces to your local Goodwill store.
Get the Right Supplies
A lot of the items in your garage will probably be heavy and a bit unwieldy so you’ll need the proper supplies to keep them and your other belongings safe. If you kept the original box and/or packaging for your tools or equipment, now is the perfect time to put them to use. These boxes were made to protect whatever is inside while keeping any dangerous bits covered.
Chances are, you probably don’t have these boxes so your next best bet is to invest in some heavy-duty boxes or rent some plastic bins. You’ll also want to have some plastic wrap, packing tape, and packing paper to make sure nothing gets jostled during your move. If you don’t want to buy packing paper, consider using towels and sheets that you don’t mind getting dirty. You can also use these to secure sharp objects like pruning shears.
Take Safety Precautions
Besides getting the right supplies, you should also take some time to make sure you properly pack your tools to avoid safety issues. For power tools, make sure to dispose of any gas inside of it. Disassemble whatever parts you can and wrap your tools in bubble wrap.
Garden tools are a bit easier since they are hand-powered, but for things that have a sharp edge, always wrap them in a padded blanket or use something like a towel to cover these areas. You can bundle tools with long handles together with twine or bungee cables for extra convenience.
For smaller hand tools, put them all together in a single box and leave them in there. You can also rent a plastic bin if you don’t have a big enough toolbox to fit all of your supplies. While you can put them in cardboard boxes, it’s not recommended as they aren’t as sturdy.
Whether you are doing a DIY move or hiring professional NJ movers, there are certain things that are not allowed on moving trucks because they are hazardous. This includes:
- Paint and paint thinners
- Aerosol cans
- Propane tanks
- Pesticides and herbicides
- Car batteries
- Bleach
- Cleaning solvents
- Pool chemicals
You should always check with the moving or truck rental company for a complete list of items that they do not allow so you don’t accidentally pack something that you are not supposed to.
While you don’t need to do a deep clean of your garage, it’s a good idea to wipe down some of your items before packing them. After all, many of them might have collected a lot of dust, cobwebs, and even some oil. The last thing you want to do is bring old dust and who knows what else from your old place. A quick wipe down may take an extra step, but you’ll be glad you did it when you’re not unpacking dusty and dirty things in your new home.
Organize and Label
Once you’re ready to pack, don’t just toss things into a box and call it done. Treat your garage the same as you would your bedroom or kitchen. Take an inventory of everything you’re taking with you from your shovel to every single nail. You want to make account for everything especially if you’re hiring professional movers. That way you can easily check to make sure nothing is missing after unpacking. For your more expensive items like power tools, take pictures of their condition. If they get damaged during the move, you will have evidence of it.
Don’t forget to label your boxes. While you can get granular and list exactly what is in the boxes, just simply labeling them ‘garage’ will be helpful once you get to your new place so you’re not potentially bringing in boxes with potentially hazardous materials inside. Labels will also keep you organized in general when unpacking so you can choose which boxes take priority.
And while you’re packing, make sure to keep your essential tools accessible. Things like screwdrivers, hammers, nails, electric drill, etc. are all probably things you will need as soon as you arrive to mount your TV, reassemble your furniture, and so on.
Let NJ Great Movers Help With Your Move
Packing your garage doesn’t have to be a monumental task. In fact, if you don’t want to do it, you can ask us to pack it for you! Our experienced team knows exactly how to pack every item you might have in your garage no matter how big or small.
What do I do with the materials that cannot go on a moving truck?
Dispose of as much as possible. For things like propane tanks or chemicals, remember that the restrictions are due to the moving companies’ insurance policy. If you want to bring these items with you, you’ll have to pack them in your own car.
What do I do with my seasonal items?
Pack away items that you know you won’t need in the near future. Otherwise, consider the items you’ll need immediately. If you’re moving during the winter, you might want access to things like a snow shovel. Similarly, if it’s the summer, you might want easy access to a weed whacker.