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Essential Items You Need to Pack for a Relaxed Move

Essential Items You Need to Pack for a Relaxed Move

It’s all too easy to forget about the small details when you’re planning your NJ move. After all, there’s a lot to keep track of from finding the perfect NJ movers to making sure your utilities are turned on when you move into your new home. With so much long-term planning, many people forget to plan for the short term. However, remembering these small essentials can make a huge difference on moving day and the days after.

After all, you don’t want to spend hours after your move digging around boxes trying to find your phone charger or toothbrush! Even if you get your movers NJ to pack for you, you should always make sure to pack essentials on your own that will be easy to access.

If you’re not sure what to pack, below is a comprehensive list of essentials you should have on hand to make your stress free move.

Essential Cleaning Supplies You’ll Need After Moving

You don’t need to bring all your cleaning supplies with you, but you should pack away a few items. At the very least, you’ll want to bring an all-purpose cleaner, cleaning rag, and garbage bags. If you have a bit more room you might want to bring:

  • Paper towels
  • Small vacuum
  • Sponges
  • Dish soap
  • Laundry detergent
  • Broom
  • Toilet bowl cleaner

Before you pack these items up in a box, spend a bit of time giving your old home a deep clean so that the new residents won’t have to do too much work when they move in. Once you’re done, put these items in a separate box so you can access them easily once you move to your new place. Many movers will not allow certain cleaning supplies on the truck as it is considered hazardous so make sure to ask beforehand whether they will allow it on the truck or not.

Even if the previous owners of your new home cleaned the place before they left, you’ll probably have to do some light cleaning as you’ll be tracking in dirt during the move. Before you unpack you should spend some time cleaning every room. Sure, cleaning isn’t really the first thing people want to do after a big move, but it will make unpacking a lot easier. While you’re at it, take this time to inspect every inch of your house for any cracks, holes, etc.

Bedding for a Relaxing First Night After Moving

It might seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people forget these! Your bedding includes more than just your sheets. It also includes your pillows, pillow case, and some extra blankets if you’re moving during cooler seasons. Before you leave your old house, make sure to wash all your bedding, including your pillows. There’s nothing quite like sleeping on clean sheets in your new home!

You don’t need to pack all your sheets, pillows, and blankets together. In fact, just save one set of each per person. Use the rest to wrap your fragile items such as glassware, vases, mirrors, etc. That way, you’ll save on the amount of bubble wrap you’ll need to use.

Essential Toiletries You’ll Need After Moving

There’s nothing quite like taking a shower after a long day of moving. You get to clean off the dirt and sweat from the day and relax a tad before you have to start the grueling process of unpacking. There’s nothing worse than realizing at 10pm at night that you have to go through all your boxes to find your toothbrush, soap, towels, etc. And let’s not forget the toilet paper!

You don’t need to have every single bathroom item in your toiletries box, but you should include the daily necessities such as:

  • Hand towels
  • Toilet paper
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Bath towel
  • Shower curtain
  • Contact lens solution and case
  • Medication
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Bath soap
  • Hand soap

If you use any beauty products on a daily basis, pack those away in the same box/bag as well. You want to have these items as easy to access as possible. Remember, you don’t need to put all your spares in the same place, just what you will need while you unpack. Chances are your bathroom will be one of the first rooms you unpack so you won’t go without the other items for too long.

And while this doesn’t fall under toiletries, you should also pack a general first aid kit that includes rubbing alcohol, bandages, gauze, antibiotic cream, and ibuprofen. Accidents can happen and you want to make sure you’re prepared.

Focus on Packing Kitchen Supplies

After the bathroom, the next most important room is the kitchen. Sure, ordering a pizza the night of the move is fine, but you won’t want to do that for a whole week. Plus, what are you going to do for your morning cup of coffee or if you want a bowl of cereal?

You don’t have to pack everything, but you will want to set aside some room on your essentials box(es) for items you’ll want immediately. Of course, that depends on your habits. If you’re okay with ordering takeout, you’ll probably only need to pack a mug, fork, spoon, knife, a sponge, and dish soap. However, if you enjoy cooking, make sure to pack away other essentials like a pot, pan, knife, cutting board, and spatula.

Speaking of the kitchen, you’ll also want to pack away some snacks to have on hand like trail mix, fruit, granola bars, and plenty of water. That way you won’t be starving during or after your move!

On that note, a great way to show your appreciation to those who helped you move, whether your friends or pros, is to provide some food. Pizza is a great option for friends. For pro movers, offer something they can take on the go such as bagels, water, etc. Of course, they also appreciate a cash tip for their hard work and stress free move!

Pack Chargers and Batteries Separately

Smartphones are ubiquitous and most working adults depend on them for almost everything including work, banking, calendaring, and more. With so much important information on your phone, the last thing you want is for it to die on moving day and not be able to find the charger. Along with your phone charger, make sure to pack away other chargers for your laptop, watch, etc. in your essentials box. If you’re really worried, bring a power bank for your devices just in case you’re far away from an outlet.

And what about batteries? While most electronics run on rechargeable lithium ion, your standard remote controls, flashlights, etc. still run off regular batteries. So pack a few AA, Ds and AAA batteries so you can use items that aren’t rechargeable. When packing them up, make sure to take out the batteries and pack them separately from the items you removed them from. Wrap them up in paper, tape it up, and then mark them well so they don’t get thrown out accidentally.

Change Dirty Clothes for Fresh Ones

You don’t want to wear the same dirt moving clothes a few days on end! Instead of rummaging around in your box, put a couple outfits aside for the next few days as well as a pair of pajamas. That way, you can focus on unpacking your boxes without worrying about what you’re going to wear. When packing clothes, don’t forget things like underwear and socks! For families with children, make sure you have a bit more options available to your child in case they get their first outfit dirty.

If you’re not able to take a few days off work and have to go back immediately, make sure to set aside some work clothes as well. For office workers, you might also want to pack away an iron to ensure your clothes are nicely pressed. Don’t forget other important items like hangers and your dress shoes while you’re at it!

How to Stay Organized During Your Move

Organizing a move is a stressful ordeal as you’re juggling numerous priorities. While it’s easy to get caught up in the big ticket items like whether to rent a truck or hire movers NJ, there are plenty of smaller details that fall between the cracks.

Don’t let your essentials box/suitcase/ bag/whatever be one of them! While this should be the last thing you pack, it’s a good idea to create a list of items you know you will want to use immediately after moving in. That can help guide your packing and make the process of unpacking much easier.


Should I keep my essentials box/bag with me or put it on the moving truck?

If you’re driving to your new home, it’s better to pack your essentials with you so you have immediate access to them. Otherwise, let the movers handle it and just let them know where you’d like the box to be placed. In general, you’ll want the box in your bedroom or, at the very least, separated from the other boxes so you know which one has all our essentials.

How many boxes should I pack?

You don’t want to have too many essential boxes. In general, it should be 1 box per person and maybe a separate box for kitchen and cleaning items.

Is there anything else I should pack separately?

Yes! You’ll want to have a separate file for your important documents like the bill of lading from the movers, medical records, vet records, school transfer information, etc.


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